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Changchun Hu

来源:jgxy    时间:2023-10-16    作者:jgxy    编辑:jgxy    点击:


Basic Information

School :

School of Economics and Management



Date of Birth:





Ph.D of Management


Master degree

Interest of research:

Strategic Management,BrandManagement,


Enrollment information

1.AdmissionDisciplines: Business Administration

2.ResearchDirection: StrategicManagement,BrandManagement, ConsumerBehavior

3.EnrollmentYear: 2023-2024

Representative Projects

Presided overPhilosophy and Social Science Research Project of Department of Education of Hubei Province under the grant number 19Y042, "Researchon the Influenceof Professional Smile Intensityon Customersinthe Video Third-PartyReviewsScenario" , which has been concluded.

Representative Articles

1.Hu Changchun, Ning Changhui. For“Me”or for“Us”? A Study on the Influences of Different Types of Garbage Classification Propaganda on the Willingness of Garbage Classification Behavior[J].Forecasting, 2021,40(02):9-16

2.Hu Changchun, Ning Changhui. When Is the Perceived Usefulness of Online AdditionalReviews Greater than the InitialReviews? Based on an Analysis of Moderating Effects of Temporal Distance and Product Types[J]. Forecasting, 2017,36(04):36-42

3.Hu Changchun, Ning Changhui. The Impact of Third-party Reviews Information Structure on Its Passing-along Intentions[J]. Business Research, ,2015,29(03): 49-55

4.Hu Changchun. An Empirical Study on the Impact of Consumer Innovativeness on Customer Loyalty[J]. China Business and Market, 2015,29(03):49-55

5.Hu Changchun.An Empirical Study on Differences in Responses of Face to Different Luxury Marketing Contexts[J]. China Business and Market, 2014,28(12):99-105

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